Welcome to the Wiltshire Governors’ Association (WGA):

May 2020 –  School Budgets

In lieu of inviting him to a Chair’s meeting we have interviewed Grant Davies of Wiltshire council about budgets for 2020/21


Wiltshire Governors’ Association (WGA) – Currently we have all meetings on hold……

For further details please contact: chair@wiltshirega.org.uk

Who are we?

We are the association for all school governing bodies in Wiltshire.

We’re an independent organisation, run by volunteers, who support school governors across Wiltshire.

We’re part of a nationwide network of school governing bodies via The National Governance Association.

We provide a link betweenWiltshire schools’ Governing Boards and the local authority.

We are open to new members from school governing bodies throughout Wiltshire.

So, if you’re a school governor and want more information, please contact us at mail@wiltshirega.org.uk 

Or….. Or…..Click here to access our on-line membership registration form..

Or….. Click here to access a PDF version of the membership registration form..

and please note: WGA membership is free to all schools in Wiltshire.